McCarren Park is an interactive transmedia experience that combines an smart phone application portal with film, social media components, narrative blogs, location based unlockable material, and live events.
For the actual project that this blog talks about making, check out a transmedia work in progress...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Characters on Twitter

Did you know that 5, that's right 5! of our characters have been on twitter for three months? It's pretty neat. Not only are they tweeting, but they are doing things together, living, loving, partying, testing the very light fixtures of the forth wall.

So check them out, either on this fabulous Twitter List  or as individuals:

Writer, lover of dinosaurs, and whipped. Always up for a beer or a party...


Ramblings about things you've never heard of by someone you've probably never met.


                                 you can also find him at 

Social Media Intern by day, Paleobotany superstar by night! Check out my blog.


you can also find her at

Your Source for All Thing Chaos. Follow Me... closely.

                @ Chaosuave

                                 you can also find him at 

Hackers don't use twitter, really.

